Introduction to FIP

Incepted in 1996, the Federation of Indian Pilots (FIP) was born out of a vision to establish a nationwide body of pilots. This body would address and handle academic, scientific, technical and issues of mutual interest, serving as a platform to represent and advocate for pilots across India.

As a registered entity, FIP has a rich history of organizing seminars, spearheading public awareness initiatives, and presenting pilots' perspectives to regulatory bodies and governmental agencies.

In 1999, understanding the necessity for pilots to be medically fit as a prerequisite for a valid flying licence, FIP initiated an innovative insurance scheme. This scheme aimed to shield pilots from potential implications of medical unfitness.

In 2002, with a goal to blend technical proficiency of pilots with academic credentials, FIP established the Institute of Aviation and Aviation Safety (IAAS). This institution, affiliated with the University of Mumbai, awards B.Sc. (Aviation) degrees, among other academic pursuits. More information on this can be found on the IAAS website at

Importantly, it must be underscored that the Federation of Indian Pilots is NOT a Trade Union. FIP does not involve itself in industrial disputes or in matters related to employer-employee industrial relations.

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